So here we go! Here is the third and last part of my Motorcycle Diaries, with the FIVE STEPS to actually start changing what doesn’t work for you and start creating YOUR REALITY. Yes, YOUR reality. It is actually different from almost everyone else’s…. So…Read More
This special LIVE edition of the Being You Book Club explores the topic of “image” and how you use it to be “not you” in so many situations. Join me and my good friend Megan Hill as we discuss this further… Imagine what it would…Read More
What if the Universe has your back? What if somewhere, within, you KNOW that? What if the way it shows up just never ever looks like you think it will — or should? If you were willing to listen, what would the universe tell you?…Read More
Think about your life one year ago … has anything changed? Is anything different? What seems possible now that didn’t seem possible before? What have you seen change in the last year that has given you a sense of hope, a sense possibilities and a…Read More
Did you have fun with my 100 million dollar question? (If you missed it, please go here to watch.) Put your sunglasses on and come along to the land of Oz (as I revisit this Tour of Consciousness that is still so relevant now!) for…Read More
If you’ve got a feeling that someone you know or care about isn’t behaving the way they normally would, it could be a sign of a wider issue. It’s important to act quickly and address the situation in an aware and considered way. We know…Read More
Would you like to be right or happy? Join me and my great friend Brendon Watt as we discuss this further… So you can be right or be happy… What’s your choice? Grateful for you! Dain P.S. This interview was aired live during the first…Read More
When the seamen came to the edge of a map in the old days, they would say: “Here There Be Dragons.” That basically meant that what was beyond was unknown and unchartered. What if that is exactly where we are right now? In the undefined,…Read More
Do you realize how different you really are? Join me and my best friend Gary Douglas as we discuss this, choosing the path less traveled, and so much more… What if you truly being you are the gift, the change, and the possibility this world…Read More
Are you sometimes a procrastinator – someone who puts things off to the last minute? Well, I am. Or maybe I was… 🙂 So what is the stalling of creation all about? Come along to Houston, and I will share some insights I’ve been having…Read More