access consciousness Archives - Page 87 of 127 - Dr. Dain Heer

access consciousness

The Superpower of Luck

Have you ever desired to have a superpower…or two? Nahh. Never, huh? 🙂 What if I told you that you have one? Or that you BE one? Already. And that the more you acknowledge that, the stronger it will grow. Come along to this installment…Read More

What Is Light & Heavy?

Here’s a very simple tool to find out everything that’s true for you and everything that’s not!  You’ll start knowing instantly when something will work for you, and then you can choose accordingly. Join me as I revisit this tool…. And boy, is this relevant…Read More

Being Your True Beauty

Author   Category Body Talk

I see beautiful people everywhere… that don’t even know it because they don’t fit the image of beauty. Simultaneously, so many people force their bodies to look a certain way without any semblance of joy. There are so many judgments that come up around the…Read More

Are You Tired?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Do you sometimes think that you’re tired? Like … REALLY TIRED! Yep, me too. I have a lot going on; there are so many reasons and justifications for me being tired that it nearly has to be true, for me to exist in this reality…….Read More

Creating Everything

Do you realize that every time you judge something, or get frustrated by something, it is because YOU (yes you) have been there and done that?  And contributed to its existence. In some version, in some way, at some time. What if you are actually the…Read More



