access consciousness Archives - Page 76 of 128 - Dr. Dain Heer

access consciousness

What Does Your Body Whisper To You?

Author   Category Body Talk

What is your body whispering to you today? Mine said: Dolphins? It spoke quite loudly actually. More of a demand, than a whisper really. 🙂 And I listened…. as you will see in this special edition of the Tour of Consciousness… So….What does your body…Read More

Letting Go of Energetic Monsters

It is time to introduce what may seem like a quite basic tool about the UNIVERSE, you and…everything! Yet, please trust me; this is a game-changer in it’s dynamic simplicity! However, before we begin, here is some help for people who have English as their…Read More

The Symphony of Possibilities

Author   Category Limitless Living

Hi Amazing Friends!!! I’d love to introduce you to The Symphony of Possibilities, an advanced training where you become intimately aware of energies and learn how to truly utilize them to create your life, living and a totally different reality. Enjoy this space and possibility…Read More

Running With The Universe

Author   Category Limitless Living

Today the molecules of my body were singing…. …with the water, the land and the trees…while I was running. I know, it sounds a bit airy-fairy. What if functioning from oneness is actually highly practical? What if it was one of the keys to making…Read More

Relaxing Into Being

Author   Category Being You

Are you ready to hear something you may not have considered? It’s when you R E L A X into BEING that everything in your world turns to magic. You actually don’t have to work on being you, fight for being you, or figure out…Read More



