Limitless Living Archives - Page 8 of 80 - Dr. Dain Heer

Limitless Living

What Are You Fighting For?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Are you a fighter? Someone who continuously finds things to fight for? Or against? In your relationships, at work, in the world? In you?? What if being a fighter is not your only choice?  What if there is a completely different way of functioning in…Read More

Gratitude & Choice

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if we chose gratitude every single day? How much greater would our world be? Gratitude cultivates kindness. Gratitude overrides judgment, it dismantles walls, destroys barriers and invites peace and ease. Sounds great right? A world of kindness, peace and ease? But what causes someone…Read More

What Is Your Comfort Zone?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Have you noticed that there is a certain physical distance you’re comfortable with when you have a conversation with someone?  And if people are standing closer — or further away — than that, you try to adjust it by taking a step closer or further…Read More

Waiting For What?

Author   Category Limitless Living

I don’t know about you, but I am VERY impatient. I want the change I am asking for to occur instantaneously… or preferably, yesterday. And yet, I still often find myself in “wait-mode”… What do I mean? Come along to Sao Paolo, Brazil and find…Read More

True Intimacy

Author   Category Limitless Living

True intimacy with another occurs when we’re… attentive… at ease… and in the moment. So how do we create that? I believe we make that possible when we embrace and practice the five elements of intimacy – honor, trust, allowance, vulnerability, and gratitude. You get…Read More

A Great Workout For Crappy Days

Author   Category Limitless Living

We all have crappy days. Yes, me too. (If you’ve been around for a while, you know this!) And they are not crappy days per se… They are days of extreme un-comfort and discomfort, due to an intense and instant increase of consciousness. Hence, this…Read More

Consciousness Adults?

Author   Category Limitless Living

I wonder if it is time for us to become adults of consciousness? To start to notice when we judge — and choose to stop?  To begin choosing from the Kingdom of We instead of the Kingdom of Me?  To have a reality created by…Read More



