You know those people that have to be right all the time? Do you sometimes get annoyed by them? Just a little? 🙂 Here is the thing; If someone functions from the rightness of their point of view, everything stops moving and contracts instead. There…Read More
There are two things that will change anything in your life … the Access Bars and choice. Sound too good to be true? Trust me, I get it! Before I discovered the Access Bars, I had tried everything. Literally. And, within weeks after making a…Read More
Ok, it is nearly 2015! The bells may already be ringing in some part of the world… Here is the thing; I don’t have any suggested New Years resolutions for you. In fact, I would say any resolution so easily becomes the start of a new…Read More
For fourteen years Oprah ran a column in O Magazine called “What I Know For Sure.” It’s an interesting question.  In truth, the longer I have played with Access tools, the more I have found that almost everything I thought was true and real throughout…Read More
I know most of you are acutely aware of the needs of every single person around you. Way more aware than you may even want to know… Sometimes that is not easy — cause you my friend, also CARE about people way more than you…Read More
Are you willing to be uncontrollable? Remember the points of connection? Well…consciousness begets consciousness. Once we got there, something else showed up, something that seemed to create even more freedom! STABILITY POINTS! What if you were willing to be un-controllable, un-tamable and un-stoppable? What could you…Read More
What if there is something larger than life? Larger than the boring monotony of it all? What if that something is as simple as being totally ALIVE, with every molecule in your body and being present and vibratingly…ON? Are you ready for the adventure of…Read More
Have you ever wondered what it would take to create the life, living, and future you’d truly like to have? Is now the time? What if nothing happens “to you”? What if you’re the one creating your future? Right now and continuously? What if you…Read More
What if you could be totally vulnerable in the face of judgment? Have you ever noticed that when you truly choose to have and be you, people get uncomfortable? And have you noticed that when somebody is uncomfortable, you will do anything to try to…Read More
What is consciousness? In Access Consciousness, we explain it like this: Consciousness is where everything exists and nothing is judged. Consciousness is truly the ability to be present in your life in every moment without judgment of you or anyone else. It’s the ability to…Read More