Limitless Living Archives - Page 71 of 79 - Dr. Dain Heer

Limitless Living

I was going to kill myself

Author   Category Limitless Living

In honor of World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10, 2018 and R U OK Day, September 13, 2018, I’m sharing my personal journey of how kindness of me saved my life. I had a seemingly perfect life when I decided to end it all. Years…Read More

Possibilities of Happiness?

Author   Category Limitless Living

What DOES create happiness and an overall sense of satisfaction with life? Hard work? Doing things, and doing them the right way? Luck? Or is it something else? Having traveled the world, having spoken and communicated with thousands of people from various cultures and walks…Read More

Undefining You

Author   Category Limitless Living

I am not even going to try to put words to this one… Just come along to Munich and let me invite you to start to de-solidify all those places in your life that you’ve so far set in stone. Your choice of course. I…Read More

Finding Happy

Author   Category Limitless Living

What DOES create happiness and an overall sense of satisfaction with life? Here are my top three tips on how to find your happy. Start a Gratitude Journal What we acknowledge grows bigger. When you start to focus on the things that you are grateful…Read More



