Limitless Living Archives - Page 15 of 79 - Dr. Dain Heer

What if you can change anything with interesting point of view? Including your money flows >>

Limitless Living

Two More Steps

Author   Category Limitless Living

When I was a child and my parents would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would simply say that I wanted to be happy….Then I got to this place, 18 years ago, where I hadn’t been happy for almost three…Read More

Overwhelmed and No Momentum?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Have you been feeling overwhelmed and living a life that lacks momentum? What if feeling overwhelmed is actually a sign that you don’t have enough going on in your life? There are times in our life where making a counter-intuitive choice can actually have the…Read More

Building Friendships

Author   Category Limitless Living

There’s a misconception that solid, supportive friendships are the domain of women, and that men are more individualistic creatures with less interest in connecting with other guys.  Building those friendships amongst men may not come naturally because we’ve been shown a model of masculinity that…Read More

Kindness To YOU

Author   Category Limitless Living

Kindness. What the bleep is that? I once asked my best friend Gary Douglas: What is the difference between being “nice” and being “kind”? He said that being nice is when your aim is to make people feel good. Being kind is the willingness to…Read More

3 Ways to Shift Your Energy

Author   Category Limitless Living

Are there things about your body that you’d like to be different? Have you tried all kinds of things to create change, but none of them seem to work the way you want?  Perhaps what your body is really asking for is kindness. What if…Read More

Being Kind To Yourself

Author   Category Limitless Living

Today I am taking you to the rolling hills of Texas, USA. And yep, I am wearing a cowboy hat again. It is one of those days. I’d like to talk to you about being kind…to you.  And I’d like to talk to you about…….Read More



