Is It Too Easy?

Do you want to know the secret recipe to success? I have it! Just please know it doesn’t look like you think it will. At all. Come along to my ranch in Texas and I will tell you more. So what are you really good…Read More
Do you want to know the secret recipe to success? I have it! Just please know it doesn’t look like you think it will. At all. Come along to my ranch in Texas and I will tell you more. So what are you really good…Read More
What if there was a video series all about you? BAM, there is, and it’s totally free! I’m excited to announce that I have a new relaunch of my Free Being You Video Series filled with tools and possibilities that have contributed to me over…Read More
Do you sometimes think that you’re tired? Like … REALLY TIRED?! Yep, me too. I have a lot going on. There are so many reasons and justifications for me being tired, that it nearly has to be true for me to exist in this reality…….Read More
Have you ever had things that were stressful for you? Things you thought you couldn’t handle or didn’t want to do? Arghhh – ME TOO! I have been creating some bite-sized inspirations that I would like to share with you – a way to change…Read More
What if the universe actually has your back? What if somewhere within, you KNOW that? What if the way it shows up just never ever looks like you think it will — or should? If you were willing to listen, what would the universe tell…Read More
The world is changing. And right now, that change seems to be showing up in ways that are not always easy to have an allowance for — war, hate, lies, floods, and fires. It is so easy to go into the wrongness of it all….Read More
If you’ve been on this ride with me for a while, you know I am a bit obsessive and OCD. Proudly so! It is a really cool superpower. Anyhow, it means that when I come across a question that tweaks me, that turns me on,…Read More
When I was a child, my parents would ask me, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” And I would reply “Happy!” Somewhere, I have always known that if I was happy, everything else in my life would work. However, for many…Read More
Most people think that when things get uncomfortable, it is because something is wrong. Very wrong. Big wrong. WRONG in capitals. The way I see it, is that when we get uncomfortable, it is because things are changing. And I go: YES! Bring it on!…Read More
Would be you willing to just take a moment and ask this question… What does the Earth know about you? What does the Earth know about you, personally, that if you allowed yourself to know it, would change everything? What can the Earth gift you…Read More