Limitless Living Archives - Page 78 of 79 - Dr. Dain Heer

Limitless Living

Five Steps to Change Anything

Author   Category Limitless Living

Today I’m going to give you FIVE STEPS to actually start changing what doesn’t work for you and start creating YOUR REALITY. Yes, YOUR reality. It is actually different for you…different from almost everyone else’s… If you haven’t been keeping up with these blogs, please…Read More

Stop Defending and Start Living

Author   Category Limitless Living

Today I’d like to dive into judgment. Let’s start with just the word RIDING, a nice little word with a godzillion connotations… For example if I say “I’m going to ride my motorcycle” notice it creates a different energy than “I’m going to ride my…Read More

For the Joy of Living

Author   Category Limitless Living

One of the things I finally come to realize is how very much I like things that go FAST.  Ever notice how fast talk? Yeah, faster than that. It makes my body happy and makes my whole being  go Who-Hooooo! I now have a new…Read More

The Kingdom of We

Author   Category Limitless Living

The way I see it, this reality isn’t working, not for us and not for the planet. The recent shootings at the school in Newtown, USA–that I talked about in the previous blog–is just one small example of what is going on here, on our…Read More

The Baseline of Space by Dr Dain Heer

Author   Category Limitless Living

What is the Baseline of Space? Sometimes change can seem really uncomfortable. When you step into something you’ve been asking for that’s different than where you’ve been, it can get really uncomfortable. As you grow and expand, your “baseline of space” changes dynamically. Now, what…Read More

The Difference Gratitude Makes

Author   Category Limitless Living

I know… you’ve heard about this gratitude gig a hundred million times… and you’re still wondering what difference it really makes.  How does it actually change your life?  Get the energy of three things you are truly grateful for… When you sense those things, do…Read More

Following the Energy

Author   Category Limitless Living

When we sense the energies around us, rather than trying to ‘see’ everything, we dynamically expand our awareness of what is possible.  How does that work?  Well, we can’t see space, however we can sense it.  And it is space (not a vision board!) that…Read More



