Everyone has bad days now and then; but feelings of discomfort, disconnection and lack of confidence can really take their toll on your wellbeing if you start having more bad days than good. There are, however, things you can do to uplift your mood, confidence…Read More
Have you ever felt like you’re different from your family and just don’t fit? Were you the black sheep and no matter what you did, you couldn’t get your family to see all the amazing choices they had available? What if you are just friggin’…Read More
Have you had an upset recently? Over the holidays? Maybe even yesterday? Or 5 minutes ago? Well…I have a tool for you that can, if you let it, change any upset that comes up in 2020! Interested? If yes, come along to Houston and play…Read More
Have you ever had things that were stressful for you? Things you thought you couldn’t handle or didn’t want to do? Arghhh – ME TOO! I have been creating some bite-sized inspirations that I would like to share with you – a way to change…Read More
I had read every personal development book and dabbled with every metaphysical technique to try and get happy, but everything fell short. Not long after, I saw an ad in the paper saying “All of life comes to me with Ease, Joy and Glory –…Read More
What if all and any of the crap you’re creating is based on this reality’s point of view? What if you didn’t have to get this reality right anymore? Truly! This I know: There is something possible so far beyond this reality… something easier… gentler… kinder…Read More
The holiday of Thanksgiving is fast approaching. A day set aside to focus on gratitude. While there is nothing wrong with a Thanksgiving holiday, if we chose gratitude every single day, how much greater would our world be? Gratitude cultivates kindness. Gratitude overrides judgment, it…Read More
“Mutation: It is the key to our evolution. It is how we have evolved from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally takes thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward.” –…Read More
Are you longing to contribute more to the world? Or would you maybe like the world to contribute more to you? What the bleep is contribution to you? And what if 99% of everything that you’ve decided it is and isn’t, is actually something completely…Read More
If you’ve been on this ride with me for a while, you know I am a bit obsessive and OCD. Proudly so! It is a really cool superpower. Anyhow, it means that when I come across a question that tweaks me, that turns me on,…Read More