We’ve been taught to use our minds as though they are the creation of our life. In actuality, the way I see it, your mind is actually a mechanism for control, not a mechanism for possibilities. It is a mechanism for destroying the possibilities that…Read More
What would your life be like if you didn’t expect anything — from anyone? What would your relationships be like if you could never get disappointed by what the people around you are choosing? What if all your projections, expectations, separations, judgments and rejections are…Read More
What if there is a way to affect change in the world? And what if the 1-2-3 can be a part of that? Join me as I talk about the first time I saw my friend Gary Douglas use this tool to create change…. What…Read More
So here we go! Here is the third and last part of my Motorcycle Diaries, with the FIVE STEPS to actually start changing what doesn’t work for you and start creating YOUR REALITY. Yes, YOUR reality. It is actually different from almost everyone else’s…. So…Read More
What if the Universe has your back? What if somewhere, within, you KNOW that? What if the way it shows up just never ever looks like you think it will — or should? If you were willing to listen, what would the universe tell you?…Read More
When the seamen came to the edge of a map in the old days, they would say: “Here There Be Dragons.” That basically meant that what was beyond was unknown and unchartered. What if that is exactly where we are right now? In the undefined,…Read More
Do you realize how different you really are? Join me and my best friend Gary Douglas as we discuss this, choosing the path less traveled, and so much more… What if you truly being you are the gift, the change, and the possibility this world…Read More
It’s not what we do that matters. It’s the space from which we do it. What space can we now embrace and be – in this brand new world? Now … the video is only five min. Would you be willing to stop all the…Read More
Welcome To The Body Whispering Book Club with the amazing Emily Russell and ME! Is now the time to listen to your body in a completely new way? Join us as we discuss this further in this second installment of the Body Whispering Book Club……Read More
If you’ve been on this ride with me for a while, you know I am a bit obsessive and OCD. Proudly so! It is a really cool superpower. Anyhow, it means that when I come across a question that tweaks me, that turns me on,…Read More