If you would like to live your life with a sense of satisfaction and happiness, it is available. Right now. Start by making the choice to commit to your life, and then choose the happiness that is available. Here are three pragmatic tools that will…Read More
You can silence your inner critic. You can wake up in the morning and go through your day with a sense of joy and ease. It is possible. I am living proof. Many times, our dominating thoughts tell us that we are bad, that we are…Read More
We’re entering a brand new amazing year… The best possible year — so far! And I have a mission for you, my friends! BE HERE FOR THIS YEAR. Be fully present, fully alive; receiving everything, judging nothing. How? Well, that is the million-dollar question! I…Read More
We’re entering a brand new amazing year…The best possible year — so far! And I have a mission for you, my friends! BE HERE FOR THIS YEAR. Be fully present, fully alive, receiving everything, judging nothing. How? Well, that is the million-dollar question! I made…Read More
Is there a way to have everything you want in 2018? Did you make any New Year’s Resolutions? If you did, how are you doing with them? If you are keeping up with those resolutions and still doing what you said you were going to…Read More
Statistics show that only 8-9% of the people who make New Year’s Resolutions actually keep them. Why is that? Most people regard resolutions as a form of goal-setting. All the advice is about setting and reaching your goals. The problem with this approach is that the…Read More
Among the joy that holidays can bring, it can also bring to the surface feelings of resentment or frustration towards family members around things that may have happened in the past, that you may not have known you were still holding onto. The holidays are…Read More
Hi from Costa Rica!!! I’d like to invite you to a sense a freedom that I’ve never experienced before. The freedom of functioning without any agendas. I know it sounds silly simple, this agenda thing; but this is a biggie! The more agendas I give up, the…Read More
As the holidays approach every year, I’m always looking at what we can create to bring some ease to the lives of so many who, quite frankly, begin to forget the simplest tool of them all….. “WHO DOES THIS BELONG TO???” I’d love to tell…Read More
Here’s a quickie for you and your body – from the lush and luminous rainforest of Costa Rica! So, my friend, would you be willing to have your heart dance from excitement and allow your molecules to vibrate faster than you’ve EVER imagined possible? What…Read More