Limitless Living Archives - Page 28 of 79 - Dr. Dain Heer

Limitless Living

Creating Your Future

Author   Category Limitless Living

Who’s ready for a deep dive today? Put on your energetic scuba gear, because we’re going where few dare! What do you know that goes so far beyond this reality that it seems that it almost doesn’t exist…but you know it does…and you’ve known forever…Read More

Earth Magic – 10-hour loop

Author   Category Limitless Living

Welcome to Earth Magic…. Energetic Synthesis of Being 10-Hour Loop. What if you could walk this earth with a sense of space knowing you are oneness and an integral part of everything? Join me as we go on this adventure…. My target is to change…Read More

Adventures With ADHD!

Author   Category Limitless Living

Join me for A Dain Heer Discovery!…. where I digress from my digression about digressing 😉…. I actually wonder if anything I say isn’t a digression… 😆 (Omg, that’s ADHD! How does it get better?!) Anyways…let’s digress! What if the way that you create, and…Read More

The Choice For Joy

Author   Category Limitless Living

Welcome to a new Tour of Consciousness Revisited! Let’s talk about JOY 🤩 How much have you decided that joy will appear once you have completed or achieved a certain set of things? …That once all the problems and wrongnesses disappear then joy can emerge?…Read More



