This is a Tour of Consciousness I did a while ago from the streets of Brazil… It’s still so relevant for today! What is your fuel? And what is your kryptonite? What is the thing you’ve decided is your job in the world that when…Read More
Have you ever noticed that when you meet up with some friends, you feel lighter, happier, and you like you more? And when you hang out with other friends, your world contracts and you start doubting yourself and what you know? My question is: Are…Read More
How What We Defend & Avoid Causes Anxiety How much are you avoiding and defending, and is that creating the life you’d really like to have? Recently, I was on the Anxiety Slayer podcast, talking to host Shann about how our literal and emotional points…Read More
Are you a bit uncomfortable? Or strangely happy? Wondering what happened to everything we all were taking for granted? What if I told you that we have changed tracks? What if now is the time to acknowledge that? That is what I am aiming to…Read More
Even though this is from holiday time, these tools work always! Here’s a quick revisit of an oldie but a goodie Tour of Consciousness! Have you had an upset recently? Over the holidays? Maybe even yesterday? Or 5 minutes ago? Well…I have a tool for…Read More
Have you ever taken a moment to consider if the people in your life are… happy? I am not talking about the image we’re showing in our social media feeds. They are usually full of smiling selfies, sweet quotes, and funny children’s stories. That is…Read More
Come with me as I revisit an old Tour of Consciousness from Australia! The world is changing. And right now, that change seems to be showing up in ways that are not always easy to have an allowance for — war, hate, lies, floods, and…Read More
Do you ever have the sense your life is set on autopilot? Or that you’re having an ok life instead of the exhilarating joy of LIVING? What if one of the main reasons is that you’ve made your comfort zone more valuable than being fully…Read More
I noticed that just the word CHOICE sometimes make people cringe… “I can’t choose.” ” I don’t want to choose.” “Why do I have to choose?” “Please, please, please choose for me!” Weirdly enough, most people don’t understand what choice truly is. And yet, the…Read More
Do you have the jealousy bug? Or, perhaps you have been at the effect of it yourself? Well, guess what?! Daddy’s got a brand new bag of tricks to unlock not only jealousy… but so much more! Are you familiar with this scenario?… Your partner…Read More