A Day Without Judgement Welcome to another Tour of Consciousness revisited! In this mash-up, we’ll be looking at judgment. What would it be like to have a judgment free day? And what if you, being free of judgment, invites others to that possibility? Take a…Read More
Something Different NOW: Possibilities – Energetic Synthesis of Communion (ESC) What if you started your day with a different energy? The energy of the infinite possibilities and space of the Energetic Synthesis of Communion (ESC)! Tap into the energy of infinite possibilities with this little…Read More
Let’s Play With the Earth! What if you of could start or end your day with a 30-minute recording of playing with the Earth? Join me for an energetic earth exploration with an Energetic Synthesis of Communion (aka an ESC). These 30 minutes allows you…Read More
Here are 3 tips (or actually more) for getting over the gloom when you’re stuck in the yuck! Remember, you are not alone, my beautiful friends. You are actually a gift to this world. Welcome to a Facebook Live with me… How is that frown…Read More
9 Minutes of the Magic Today! It was Liam, Ika, myself … and a few thousand other brave beings who went on an adventure into being! Would you like a taste of that? Then these 9 minutes are for you! Join us for this fun…Read More
When you wake up in the morning, what do you first think of… Problems or possibilities? What if that sets you on the path for the rest of your day? And what if you could actually choose which of the two p’s to navigate from?…Read More
Are You Searching For Happiness? On a random Wednesday 22 years ago, I had given up hope! I literally set a date to end my life, if something drastic didn’t change. After living with years of abuse as a child, I always knew there had…Read More
How can we be happy year round, including the holidays? The 4th of July, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year Seasons are times of festivities, decorations and social outings; but it is also a time of heightened stress and loneliness. Studies show that 71% of…Read More
No matter how long you’ve been stuck in the perfection trap, you can change it. Our preoccupation with the idea of ‘perfection’ is extremely damaging. Perfectionism puts us in a constant state of judgment; always trying to be good enough while believing that we are…Read More
Did you have fun with my 100 million dollar question and video? If you missed it, please go here to watch. This time I am asking you to be a bit more specific. (Which is kind of funny coming from an ADHD brain on speed,…Read More