Limitless Living Archives - Page 21 of 79 - Dr. Dain Heer

What if you can change anything with interesting point of view? Including your money flows >>

Limitless Living

The Myths That Destroy Relationships

Author   Category Limitless Living

Believing in that “perfect” partner… placing your happiness in someone else’s hands… and trying to force an existing relationship to match some ideal you have in your head destroys your potential for real, lasting love before you can even realize it. It’s actually incredibly destructive to…Read More

Getting Out of Struggle

Author   Category Limitless Living

How can we be happy throughout the year, including any holiday season? Easter, 4th of July, Christmas and the New Year seasons are a time of festivities, decorations and social outings… But they are also a time of heightened stress and loneliness. Studies show that…Read More


Author   Category Limitless Living

No matter how long you’ve been stuck in the perfection trap, you can change it. Our preoccupation with the idea of ‘perfection’ is extremely damaging. Perfectionism puts us in a constant state of judgment… always trying to be good enough while believing that we are…Read More

Choose the Exhilaration

Author   Category Limitless Living

Here’s a quickie for you and your body – from the lush and luminous rainforest of Costa Rica! So, my friend, would you be willing to have your heart dance from excitement and allow your molecules to vibrate faster than you’ve EVER imagined possible? What…Read More

A Thrival Kit!

Author   Category Limitless Living

Even though I did this series during the holiday season, it’s still really relevant ALL YEAR ROUND! As the holidays approach every year, I’m always looking at what we can create to bring some ease to the lives of so many who, quite frankly, begin…Read More



