Limitless Living Archives - Page 45 of 79 - Dr. Dain Heer

Limitless Living

Five Steps to Change

Author   Category Limitless Living

So here we go! This is an oldie but a goodie with the FIVE STEPS to actually start changing what doesn’t work for you and start creating YOUR REALITY. Yes, YOUR reality. It is actually different from almost everyone else’s…. So you really should not…Read More

Tour of Consciousness

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if the only thing stopping you from changing anything in your life right now, is the belief that you can’t? The Tour of Consciousness is a free ongoing video series with possibilities, inspirations and tools from all over this beautiful Earth of ours. I…Read More

No Expectations & Freedom

Author   Category Limitless Living

What would your life be like if you didn’t expect anything — from anyone? Creating your life and living with no expectations is so different. And what would that create to have that type of freedom? What would your relationships be like if you could…Read More

My Story Of Me

Author   Category Limitless Living

What is it you’ve always hoped somebody would invite you to? In this video I would like to tell you my story, with the hope that these tools can contribute a different possibility to you like they once gifted (and keep gifting) to me. Please…Read More

The Earth & You

Author   Category Limitless Living

Myself and Access Consciousness present The Earth & You … a special event on Earth Day 2022! What else is possible and what we can contribute to this beautiful planet of ours? Join me as I have a discussion about this special day.  And also,…Read More

Your Body Whispers

Author   Category Limitless Living

What is your body whispering to you today? Mine said: Dolphins! It spoke quite loudly actually. More of a demand, than a whisper really. And I listened. As you will see in this special edition of the Tour of Consciousness… What does your body whisper?…Read More

What Action Can You Take Today?

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if everything that is going on for you today is actually the result of every single choice you made in the past. Yes, EVERYTHING! And yes, every choice. Just ponder that. Daunting? Or…exciting? See, if that is correct, your choices TODAY, your choice right…Read More



