I don’t know about you…but I am VERY impatient. I want the change I am asking for to occur instantaneously — or preferably, yesterday. And yet, I still often find myself in “wait-mode”… What do I mean? Come along to Sao Paolo, Brazil and find…Read More
What would it be like to finally get beyond solving problems using a tool that works to create possibilities? Fun, right?! If you’ve been on this ride with me for a while, you know I am a bit obsessive and OCD. Proudly so! It is…Read More
This Tour of Consciousness is about how to have fun with judgments! This is probably the longest of installments in this series EVER! I just really desired to create more clarity and ease in this area for all of you. For me personally, getting over…Read More
Do you realize that you, yourself, are the one teaching people how to treat you? Annoying, huh? 🙂 And it is not necessarily cognitively or consciously. Yet, you are the one that is exactly the energy that shows them how to be toward you and…Read More
Yes, the Earth is big. Probably way bigger than any of us can imagine… Just tap into the ever-reaching mountains touching the heavens … the blue, bottomless ocean … and the softest sand dancing with the dunes of the dessert. If there is one thing…Read More
The world is changing. And right now, that change seems to be showing up in ways that are not always easy to have an allowance for — war, hate, lies, floods, and fires. It is so easy to go into the wrongness of it all….Read More
Do you ever have a sense that you’re not getting what you want? That things are just not fair? Even if you don’t want to say it out loud! 🙂 How much of what you’ve chosen in life has been a transaction – an exchange…Read More
Sometimes I would like to give you EVERYTHING, immediately, right freaking now. This is one of those times! So this installment of the Tour of Consciousness is a bit long … 20 min. : – ) My gift to you! 🙂 See, I’ve been given…Read More
Consciousness is not just about being happy all the time! And even after 17 years of using the tools from Access Consciousness, I too have a bad day every now and then. The change you’re asking for never shows up the way you think it’s…Read More
Do you realize that we use our mind to create a separation between us and our energetic awareness? The mind functions like a very conservative stingy gate-keeper… Making sure only what it recognizes and judges as good and real can come through. That, my friend,…Read More