access consciousness Archives - Page 124 of 128 - Dr. Dain Heer

access consciousness

The Gift of Touch

Author   Category Body Talk

What if I told you that your body desires and requires touch way more than you might be willing to consider? (and I am not talking about making-out or having sex!) I am talking about the gift a truly caring and nurturing touch can be….Read More

Is It Yours?

Author   Category Being You

Is everything in your head actually yours? I know it can sound a bit weird…but if you really want to have peace and ease in your life, you have to start acknowledging how much of what you are aware of isn’t yours. What do I…Read More

Running With The Universe

Here’s a 3-part video series I created for the Tour of Consciousness called “Running with the Universe!” Are you ready to run? Part 1: Universe Show Me Something Beautiful! Part 2: What is different about you, your reality and the way you function, that if…Read More

A World of Wonders

When I was in Venice, Italy this spring I was full of awe and gratitude for the amazingly beautiful world we live in. A world of wonders. How did we get so lucky? During one lunch-break, I took a tour with a gondola and my camera,…Read More

What Are These Tools For?

Author   Category Being You

What if the whole reason for all these Access tools is so you can start living fully? What if it is about coming alive? Not tomorrow, or  sometime in the future when you get the tools ‘right’, but NOW? If you were choosing to truly…Read More

A Run with the Universe

Author   Category Being You

Today I’m taking you on a run with the Universe, beyond the bridges of Melbourne, Australia… You can join me from anywhere in the world! All you need for this adventure is… 1) This Question: Universe, show me something beautiful? 2) An iPhone. (Or any…Read More



