Ever notice how choosing something greater for yourself can make others uncomfortable? You start thriving, feeling lighter, choosing more for YOU… and suddenly, people resist it. They judge, they try to pull you back, or they just don’t understand. And here’s the thing: it’s not…Read More
For the longest time, I felt like a kid in a grown man’s body. I used to say I was a six-year-old with bigger and better toys. In a way, that was, and still is, true. There is an unquenchable sense of playful wonder at…Read More
Hello miraculous friend! 🙂 Ever feel like you’ve been hibernating? Like you’re finally emerging from a deep pause in life? Yeah… SAME. I’ve been in my cave, but now I’m back—and I have something to share with you. I want to tell you a little…Read More
As the holiday season draws near, I find myself preparing for a journey to Idaho to see my mother for Christmas. Imagine a charming little house in a small town, where the years have slipped by, and I haven’t visited in what feels like eternity….Read More
Hey magical friend! Ever notice how consciousness just has a way of sneaking into the most random things? I was recording a silly video to introduce you to my new family, and then consciousness just took the wheel and it became a Tour of Consciousness….Read More
Hey magical friend! Are you willing to do whatever it takes to create what you would like to create? Lucky is! Let me tell you a little story about this amazing creature. He has already inspired so many people, and I just have to share…Read More
Hello there, friend! Let’s take a moment to explore something that seems absolutely vital in our world today—speed. But not just any speed. I’m talking about the unique, individual rhythm that each of us has, the pace we operate from when we’re truly being ourselves….Read More
Hello friend! 🙂 How much of your life are you spending trying to keep people comfortable? Here’s the thing – when you’re not willing to make people uncomfortable you end up contracting you dynamically, which leads to ALL sorts of other things. Pull out your…Read More
Hello there, dear reader! I have a question for you today. How do you recognise hope? What I’ve come to realise it that finding hope isn’t a linear process. It can’t really be figured out or forced into existence. It is something that is available…Read More
Could you use an energetic cuddle today? Well, come here! Snuggle up, I got you. There’s a LOT going on in the world. I can’t tell you how many people I have had conversations with and how many questions I have gotten in classes lately…Read More