dain heer Archives - Page 121 of 132 - Dr. Dain Heer

dain heer

What Is Being You?

Author   Category Being You

I love leading these amazing 3.5 day workshops designed to help people become more self aware on their journey toward self actualization and self empowerment.  The level of change and possibility that occurs in these classes is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. And as people…Read More

3 Myths That Destroy Relationships

Believing in that “perfect” partner… placing your happiness in someone else’s hands… and trying to force an existing relationship to match some ideal you have in your head destroys your potential for real, lasting love before you can even realize it. It’s actually incredibly destructive to…Read More

Your Holiday Thrival Kit

Author   Category Limitless Living

As the holidays approach every year, I’m always looking at what we can create to bring some ease to the lives of so many who, quite frankly, begin to forget the simplest tool of them all….. “WHO DOES THIS BELONG TO???” I’d love to tell…Read More



