Hi friend! Have you ever noticed that most of what we have learned and been taught in this world has been about what is NOT POSSIBLE? From the time you were a little kid, people told you “No” when you wanted stuff, rather than coming…Read More
I’m coming to you from Noosa, Australia with my 70’s porn star hair, and shirt that matches the background – it’s a whole VIBE. 😉 A very relaxed vibe! I used to think that force was required to change things. And what I am discovering…Read More
What if you knew that you were unstoppable? I didn’t realize I was that kind of guy – the kind of person who could actually make things happen. But if there is something that the El Lugar project has shown me, it is that I…Read More
Do you ever do an ’idiot check’ when you leave somewhere? Wanna walk and talk with me while I do mine at El Lugar? 😂 This time of year we tend to put our heads down and just get through things: the shopping, the family…Read More
What the BLEEP is an “Infinite Being”? And, why does it even matter? In the classes I facilitate we often ask people to acknowledge that they are an infinite being…but what does that actually mean for your life? Infinite means…..everything! The whole universe! I know,…Read More
I have a crazy idea I’d like to propose to you. What if you could give yourself the gift of not having to be perfect…not having to figure it all out… And just do it?! Hello from Paris baby!! I was trying to make the…Read More
Do you want to know the secret recipe to success? I have it! Just please know it doesn’t look like you think it will. At all. Come along to my ranch in Texas and I will tell you more. So what are you really good…Read More
What if there was a video series all about you? BAM, there is, and it’s totally free! I’m excited to announce that I have a new relaunch of my Free Being You Video Series filled with tools and possibilities that have contributed to me over…Read More
Hi, nice to meet you. I’ll tell you about me in just a bit, but really, I’d rather learn about YOU. I’d like to know what makes you tick. What puts a really big smile on your face? How did you get into doing whatever…Read More
Do you sometimes think that you’re tired? Like … REALLY TIRED?! Yep, me too. I have a lot going on. There are so many reasons and justifications for me being tired, that it nearly has to be true for me to exist in this reality…….Read More