dain heer Archives - Page 39 of 131 - Dr. Dain Heer

dain heer

Being You?

Author   Category Being You

I love leading these amazing 3.5 day workshops designed to help people become more self aware on their journey toward self actualization and self empowerment.  The level of change and possibility that occurs in these classes is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. And as people…Read More

Things Your Body Would Like You To Know

Author   Category Body Talk

What if you could create a different relationship with your body… One of kindness, caring and communion? What if you began to ask your body questions and truly listened to what it has to say? What if you actually asked your body about everything that…Read More

What If Time Isn’t Linear?

Author   Category Limitless Living

Let’s talk about time. Or actually, let’s ask a few questions. What if time isn’t linear? What if you have an awareness of time that goes way beyond the past, the future, and present moment? What if there are places on earth that bleed time?…Read More

Escaping The Trap of Perfectionism

Author   Category Limitless Living

No matter how long you’ve been stuck in the perfection trap, you can change it. Our preoccupation with the idea of ‘perfection’ is extremely damaging. Perfectionism puts us in a constant state of judgment; always trying to be good enough while believing that we are…Read More



