The Space Is Now
It’s not what we do that matters. It’s the space from which we do it. What space can we now embrace and be – in this brand new world? Now … the video is only five min. Would you be willing to stop all the…Read More
It’s not what we do that matters. It’s the space from which we do it. What space can we now embrace and be – in this brand new world? Now … the video is only five min. Would you be willing to stop all the…Read More
Welcome To The Body Whispering Book Club with the amazing Emily Russell and ME! Is now the time to listen to your body in a completely new way? Join us as we discuss this further in this third installment of the Body Whispering Book Club……Read More
Welcome To The Body Whispering Book Club with the amazing Emily Russell and ME! Is now the time to listen to your body in a completely new way? Join us as we discuss this further in this second installment of the Body Whispering Book Club……Read More
Welcome To The Body Whispering Book Club with the amazing Emily Russell and ME! Is now the time to listen to your body in a completely new way? Join us as we discuss this further… Is it possible that your body has been trying…Read More
What would be possible if you didn’t have to feel contracted, compressed or at the effect of the world around you anymore? What would your life be like if you had a sense of space and peace wherever you are? Join me for a mini…Read More
The first time I heard the mantra of Access, I wanted to KILL! There was this small ad in the local paper that read: “All of Life Comes To Me with Ease and Joy and Glory. Call Shannon.” I just wanted to tear the newspaper…Read More
If you’ve been on this ride with me for a while, you know I am a bit obsessive and OCD. Proudly so! It is a really cool superpower. Anyhow, it means that when I come across a question that tweaks me, that turns me on,…Read More
Have you ever desired to have a superpower…or two? Nahh. Never, huh? 🙂 What if I told you that you have one? Or that you BE one? Already. And that the more you acknowledge that, the stronger it will grow. Come along to this installment…Read More
Here’s a very simple tool to find out everything that’s true for you and everything that’s not! You’ll start knowing instantly when something will work for you, and then you can choose accordingly. Join me as I revisit this tool…. And boy, is this relevant…Read More
I’ve had the great honor of being on Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation many different times in the past. What if you are SO AWARE of what is going on around you? And what if there are a plethora of tools so that you can use these…Read More