Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder how you are going to make it through the day? Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with sadness, depression, anxiety or loneliness that you sometimes ask, “What’s the use? Is this all there is to…Read More
Earlier this week I had the honor of speaking with Shann on her podcast entitled, Anxiety Slayer. We discussed how to overcome feelings of unworthiness, the importance of congruence, and why perfection is a silent killer. In addition, we discussed the Access Consciousness Bars and…Read More
I personally know how to do relationships really badly. Because of that, I had to look at this area really dynamically to see what else is possible. I have looked and looked and looked at what creates a great relationship, and I must tell you…Read More
If there was something really easy you could do ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening to change your life… … this reality … and the whole darn world, WOULD YOU? If you get a yes, come along to Vienna and…Read More
What if all and any of the crap you’re creating is based on this reality’s point of view? What if you didn’t have to get this reality right anymore? Truly! This I know: There is something possible so far beyond this reality… something easier… gentler… kinder…Read More
With an increasing number of digital distractions and people choosing to interact face-to-face far less, recent decades have witnessed a massive increase in social isolation and loneliness across every generation. Compared to when baby boomers were growing up, health issues such as anxiety and depression…Read More
By changing our outlook on life, we can change our life. There are so many tools that can create the life we desire – e.g. asking questions, changing our points of view, and so many more. Recently, I had the wonderful possibility of speaking with the…Read More
The holiday of Thanksgiving is fast approaching. A day set aside to focus on gratitude. While there is nothing wrong with a Thanksgiving holiday, if we chose gratitude every single day, how much greater would our world be? Gratitude cultivates kindness. Gratitude overrides judgment, it…Read More
Are you a fighter? Someone who continuously finds things to fight for? Or against? In your relationships, at work, in the world? In you?? What if being a fighter is not your only choice? What if there is a completely different way of functioning in…Read More
I had the pleasure of speaking with Fox 26 News Houston earlier this fall. We discussed tips for overcoming depression and developing gratitude for being alive. As many of you know, 19 years ago, I set a date to end my life. I’m so grateful…Read More