I had a date in my diary for my suicide. I had a beautiful girlfriend and everything looked great. But I was dying inside. I woke up every day more and more depressed. I got to the point where I couldn’t handle it and I…Read More
In this series, I’ve often talked about the phenomenal gifting and receiving that is possible with horses, trees, plants, birds, rivers, mountains, butterflies and rain…. All that, and every single living molecule on this vibratingly beautiful planet of ours. But what about inanimate objects? Like…Read More
In honor of World Suicide Prevention Day, September 10, 2018 and R U OK Day, September 13, 2018, I’m sharing my personal journey of how kindness of me saved my life. I had a seemingly perfect life when I decided to end it all. Years…Read More
I had the great honor of being on the Inspire Nation show recently. If you’ve ever wanted to be a gentleman, or attract a gentleman, or contribute to a gentleman in your life, please join us for this candid conversation. What does it mean to…Read More
How often do we hear over and over again that the key to intimacy in your life is about finding someone to have a close relationship with? What if I were to tell you that to create true intimacy, YOU are the person you have to…Read More
What DOES create happiness and an overall sense of satisfaction with life? Hard work? Doing things, and doing them the right way? Luck? Or is it something else? Having traveled the world, having spoken and communicated with thousands of people from various cultures and walks…Read More
What if there are simple steps to appreciate and enjoy your body every day? Imagine waking up every morning, happy and grateful for your body, excited about what you could create with it each day! Your body truly is your best friend, if you let it…Read More
Should you try and please everyone? There’s an old saying that “You can please some people all the time. You can please all of the people some of time; but you can’t please everyone all the time.” What if there is a different possibility? Here…Read More
I’m currently in Sydney, Australia facilitating an amazing class called, “Being You Changing The World”. While here, I had the possibility of being interviewed by the phenomenal Wellness Woman Radio Show. So grateful for this amazing conversation. What else is possible when you be you?…Read More
Vulnerability has gotten a bad rap. The idea has been perpetuated that vulnerability equates to being hurt. So put on a facade, perfect your image and be what you think you are supposed to be. If you desire sex or relationship, avoid being vulnerable and…Read More