Some things we’ve been entrained OUT OF. Like having the total joy of orgasmic living! As kids, many of us actually had this capacity naturally… On hot summer days, we would eat an ice-cream with total presence in every molecule of our body: letting the…Read More
As a young child growing up in the ghetto, I didn’t have many examples of generosity. Life was often the exact opposite. But even as a little kid, I always wanted to give to people. When I was 6 years old, I went on a trip to…Read More
What if the desire to be right always gets in your way of being free and happy? Here are some key questions to ask, and tools to use, to navigate conflict! As a gentleman you get to choose how to be with a situation. You…Read More
Consciousness is not just about being happy all the time! And even after 17 years of using the tools from Access Consciousness, I too have a bad day (or days ) every now and then. The change you’re asking for never shows up the way you…Read More
Do you realize that we use our mind to create a separation between us and our energetic awareness? The mind functions like a very conservative stingy gate-keeper, making sure only what it recognizes and judges as good and real can come through. That, my friend,…Read More
I recently had a brilliant conversation and question and answer session with men from all over the world. What got created is the video below – the fourth installment of The Return of the Gentleman… It is an episode on getting over your moral compass,…Read More
Have you been trying to figure out and fit into the role of a man? Nobody has actually ever showed us how to be a gentleman – how to honor yourself, to honor women and to live with a sense of honor. Come along with…Read More
Growing up, how many of you were encouraged to have nurturing relationships with other men? How many of you had a sense that other men in your life truly had your back, no matter what? Or was it more like you would see the men…Read More
What would the world be like if the value of a true gentlemen was acknowledged? We talked about this and more on the second installment of The Return of the Gentleman. Watch the replay below! If you’re not signed up for this free video series…Read More
Do you believe that you have to have a relationship? Or that it’s better to have one than to not have one? There are so many people miserable in their relationships but they stay in them either because they are afraid to be alone or…Read More