Find that happy space no matter what is going on. Right now, the rapid rate of change in our world seems overwhelming to a lot of people. And, most of us think that we need to suffer our lives. Would you consider another possibility? When…Read More
What if your past is completely irrelevant? What if it isn’t the past you need to change to create the life you truly desire? What if it is the future that can contribute the most to where you are right now? I went to a magical…Read More
I recently was on Breakfast Television Vancouver, and got to talk about how to bring romance back into relationships. And really, this can be applied any day! Ready to revive the spark in your relationship? Here are some tips that will help you and your partner…Read More
As much as I would like to wave my magic wand and get rid of all of the judgment in the world, that’s not likely to occur anytime soon. Most of us know what it feels like to be judged. Whether we are judged for the…Read More
All I ever really cared about – ever since I was a kid – was to be HAPPY. And to make other people HAPPY. And for people to know what is TRUE for them. (Yep, I am a dreamer!) Here is the thing: We have…Read More
Among the joy that holidays and any day can bring, it can also bring to the surface feelings of resentment or frustration. You might have frustration towards family members around things that may have happened in the past, that you may not have known you…Read More
I love leading these amazing 3.5 day workshops designed to help people become more self aware on their journey toward self actualization and self empowerment. The level of change and possibility that occurs in these classes is unlike anything I’ve experienced before. And as people…Read More
We have a lot of sensitive, aware men out there who have no role models for how to be a true man. From my point of view, we can be it all. We can be strong, we can have somebody’s back, we can desire sex…Read More
Welcome to the Body Whispering Book Club with me, Dr. Dain Heer! Have you ever decided that bringing order to the turmoil in our world was your job? Or have you ever thought that if your body had pain, suffering or disease that it must…Read More
Statistics show that only 8-9% of the people who make New Year’s Resolutions actually keep them. Why is that? Most people regard resolutions as a form of goal-setting. All the advice is about setting and reaching your goals. The problem with this approach is that the…Read More