dain heer Archives - Page 37 of 132 - Dr. Dain Heer

dain heer

Oneness or Relationship?

Do you realize that any relationship is actually about the distance between two things? It computes how far away or close are you in relation this person or thing. Rather than being in oneness, we’re all taught to go into digitized relationships that are based…Read More

Orgasmic Living

Author   Category Limitless Living

Some things we’ve been entrained OUT OF… Like having the total joy of orgasmic living! As kids, many of us actually had this capacity naturally… On hot summer days, we would eat an ice-cream with total presence in every molecule of our body: letting the…Read More

Creating Your Future Today & Forward

Author   Category Limitless Living

What if everything that is going on for you today is actually the result of every single choice you made in the past? Yes, EVERYTHING! And yes, every choice. Just ponder that.  Daunting? Or…exciting? See, if that is correct… Your choices TODAY, your choice right now,…Read More

What Creates More Than Love?

What does saying, “I love you” mean for the relationship? When’s the right time to say it? When’s too soon? Ugh. There is a lot of significance around relationships and romance. And even more significance, and pressure, around the phrase, “I love you.” The expectations and…Read More



