What if you could have ease with money, no matter what goes on for you or the world? What if, no matter how much money you have, you had ease, knowing that more will always come? What if you knew it’s okay to use it…Read More
Come with me as I revisit an old Tour of Consciousness from Australia! The world is changing. And right now, that change seems to be showing up in ways that are not always easy to have an allowance for — war, hate, lies, floods, and…Read More
Do you ever have the sense your life is set on autopilot? Or that you’re having an ok life instead of the exhilarating joy of LIVING? What if one of the main reasons is that you’ve made your comfort zone more valuable than being fully…Read More
I noticed that just the word CHOICE sometimes make people cringe… “I can’t choose.” ” I don’t want to choose.” “Why do I have to choose?” “Please, please, please choose for me!” Weirdly enough, most people don’t understand what choice truly is. And yet, the…Read More
Do you have the jealousy bug? Or, perhaps you have been at the effect of it yourself? Well, guess what?! Daddy’s got a brand new bag of tricks to unlock not only jealousy… but so much more! Are you familiar with this scenario?… Your partner…Read More
How many points of view do you get stuck in daily? Yours, other people’s, and the world’s? What if there was a way to get unstuck from pretty much anything, at any time, in total ease? Would you be interested? If yes, come along to…Read More
What if a few weird words could totally change your life? Access Consciousness® offers potent tools for change and transformation. If you are around people who have done Access Consciousness® classes or telecalls, you are likely to hear them say this weird thing that sounds…Read More
As you may have noticed, one of the most magical tools of Access Consciousness has changed… The Clearing Statement! We added something called … POVADs! What the bleep is that? And really, what does that POD and POC mean anyway? Would you like to find…Read More
How much of you is … you? And how much have you bought, copied, or even plagiarized from people around you? And I don’t mean your greatness. That is always (ALWAYS) you, being you. I mean the limitations we plagiarize and make our own in…Read More
If you knew how truly beautiful this world could be, is there anything that you would ever again allow to stop you from creating? If you knew that when you needed it most, you could simply ask and receive whatever information or contribution required…. Would…Read More