dain heer Archives - Page 97 of 132 - Dr. Dain Heer

dain heer

My Story Of Being Me

Author   Category Being You

What is it you’ve always hoped somebody would invite you to? In this video I would like to tell you my story, with the hope that these tools can contribute a different possibility to you like they once gifted (and keep gifting) to me. Please…Read More

A Conversation About Being You

Author   Category Being You

I’m so grateful to have had this conversation with the amazing Andee Hoig of metroTV and metroMagazine, discussing Being You and International Being You Day coming up! Join us for this fun discussion! What can you choose to experience that connects you to YOU today?…Read More

What If You Are…Miraculous?

Author   Category Limitless Living

This is an older Tour of Consciousness on my quest to show you that you are miraculous!  These tools are still so relevant and useful now.  This Tour of Consciousness was from 2016 during my beautiful visit to Israel. Now, I get that you may…Read More

Why Consciousness?

I’m so grateful for this talk I got to do in 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden.  In a time, when so much is changing, there is so much to be said about why to even go towards consciousness. Please join me as I discuss how consciousness creates…Read More

Five Steps to Changing Anything

Author   Category Limitless Living

So here we go! This is an oldie but a goodie with the FIVE STEPS to actually start changing what doesn’t work for you and start creating YOUR REALITY. Yes, YOUR reality. It is actually different from almost everyone else’s…. So you really should not…Read More

Expanding and Embracing Openness

I’m so grateful for my conversation with Amrit on his Inspired Evolution Podcast, where we discussed expanding and embracing openness, creating dynamic change in life, going past judgements and so much more! We are the only ones who have the capacity to create a different…Read More

The Superpower Of Choice

Choice is the most misunderstood capacity that we have.  Choice has the capacity to create a different reality for us and others, the capacity to create a different life for us and others, and the capacity to create a phenomenal future for our world. When…Read More



