Do you ever feel like someone else is living your life? Do you live, day after day, trying to do everything that you are “supposed” to do? Are you deciding what is right and wrong, based on the opinions of others, and then doing your…Read More
I’ve decided to try out this new thing called a “vlog”, so I could share with you some of the funny, joyful, vulnerable and exciting parts of my life behind the scenes! This episode was shot during my latest Access Consciousness tour of classes in…Read More
Whether I am facilitating a class, filming a video, or talking with you Live on Facebook, the 3 tools that I share in this blog come up over and over again. I offer these to you, because they are what I have used daily, for…Read More
I think one of the biggest misunderstanding in this world may be that we need more contribution. It creates this constant search for someone to gift to us. What if what we truly lack is someone–or something–to gift to, that actually receives? Receiving and gifting…Read More
In every class I ask “If you could have anything out of this, what would it be?” Dylan, one participant at a Being You, Changing the World class in Australia 2014 answered, “to break every limitation that I have set on myself, knowingly or unknowingly….Read More
You are far greater than anything you could think. You’re an energy of being that has never been seen before. Now’s the time to be it, to embody it, to receive the possibilities that go beyond this reality. To step into such allowance of you…Read More
How much have we been taught to believe that boredom is an inevitable part of relationships, especially if you have been in one for say, longer than six minutes? What if boredom in relationships is not inevitable, significant, or even a problem? What if it’s…Read More
What if the purpose of life were to have fun? Have you been looking for a whole bunch of tools to hack this reality and make your life easier and more fun? What if there was a way of living that actually involves you, and…Read More
What if most of your life you’ve been living in your very own version of the Truman Show*? And then the tools of consciousness come along and you start to discover that there is much much much more beyond those walls that you’ve, up till…Read More
The definition we have of consciousness in Access Consciousness is…where everything exists and nothing is judged. Now imagine if that was true about you and for you and every choice you’ve ever made? What if you didn’t have to be perfect any longer? What if…Read More