What Do You Know?

What if what you know is an energy? A whisper? Or at least, it starts as a whisper… And then, if you allow it and invite it to, it will grow. This I know: We are far greater than the magic of this reality We…Read More
What if what you know is an energy? A whisper? Or at least, it starts as a whisper… And then, if you allow it and invite it to, it will grow. This I know: We are far greater than the magic of this reality We…Read More
What if you could have ease with money, no matter what goes on for you or the world? What if, no matter how much money you have, you had ease, knowing that more will always come? What if you knew it’s okay to use it…Read More
What if light touch with total presence can be so nurturing as to invite change and healing in a body, if done with kindness and caring, with total presence and no judgment? When was the last time your body was touched like that? When was…Read More
In times of great change, the common thing to do is to go to fear and contraction… and look at what is required in life to survive financially. But, what if there was another way to move through uncertainty? What if it was more about…Read More
Do you ever have the sense your life is set on autopilot? Or that you’re having an ok life instead of the exhilarating joy of LIVING? What if one of the main reasons is that you’ve made your comfort zone more valuable than being fully…Read More
We are on the verge of creating a totally different world that… Includes all of us… And judges no one. A world that celebrates our differences, our uniqueness, and recognizes that THAT is actually the gift of us. What if we are the ones we’ve…Read More
I’m so thrilled to have you here to watch the replay of this 9th annual Global Access Bars Day! This is a special day that we have each year to celebrate Access Bars®, a gentle touch point treatment that has created change for millions of…Read More
Over the last seventeen years, in working with hundreds of thousands of people, I’ve recognized that one of the missing elements in our creations – whether it be relationships, business, family, money – is a level of intimacy with ourselves. If you don’t have intimacy…Read More
What if everything is energy? Everything… What we choose, create and change in and as our lives? Everything… What we avoid, defend, and buy as real when it isn’t? Everything… The way we relate to everyone, the world, and most of all, ourselves? What if…Read More
What if you didn’t have to hold on to ANY hurt from the past? What if you didn’t have to make it meaningful — or meaningless? What if you could just acknowledge what occurred, and LET IT GO? Join me as I discuss this further…Read More