How much do you judge you? A little? A lot? Almost always? For most of us, judging ourselves is something we do on a daily basis. Something we are very good at. Negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves are detrimental to our health, our relationships…Read More
It is me again! And I have a challenge for you! (Oh, and a correction.) The challenge: What if you could just like you, as you are, for the next few days? What if you did not have to to be perfect, to be wonderful?…Read More
If there was something really easy you could do ten times in the morning and ten times in the evening to change your life… … to change this reality, … and the whole darn world, WOULD YOU? If you get a yes, come along to…Read More
When I was a child and my parents would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would simply say that I wanted to be happy….Then I got to this place, 18 years ago, where I hadn’t been happy for almost three…Read More
What if all and any of the crap you’re creating is based on this reality’s point of view? What if you didn’t have to get this reality right anymore? Truly! This I know: There is something possible so far beyond this reality… something easier… gentler……Read More
Ladies, I wrote a book for you…’Return of the Gentleman’. Yes, I know it sounds like it is for men, and it is. However, it is for you just as much! What if you are crucial in inviting the gentlemen to return? Intrigued? Please join…Read More
Have you been feeling overwhelmed and living a life that lacks momentum? What if feeling overwhelmed is actually a sign that you don’t have enough going on in your life? There are times in our life where making a counter-intuitive choice can actually have the…Read More
There’s a misconception that solid, supportive friendships are the domain of women, and that men are more individualistic creatures with less interest in connecting with other guys. Building those friendships amongst men may not come naturally because we’ve been shown a model of masculinity that…Read More
Kindness. What the bleep is that? I once asked my best friend Gary Douglas: What is the difference between being “nice” and being “kind”? He said that being nice is when your aim is to make people feel good. Being kind is the willingness to…Read More
Being a gentleman is about something far beyond opening car doors and having great manners. It’s about being who you are with no shame and no apology. It’s about making amazing connections with others — men and women alike. It’s about knowing you always have…Read More