dain heer Archives - Page 28 of 132 - Dr. Dain Heer

dain heer

Ask For More – 10 hour loop

Author   Category Limitless Living

If you have been asking for things that don’t seem to be showing up… get a much larger ask. 😉 In order to actualize your asks, you have to be enthused about them. Enthusiasm is where your creative mojo actualizes your request. What if instead…Read More

Tip #2 for Being Happy

Author   Category Limitless Living

Coming to you today with a tip to expand your life and get happier. This one is an oldie but a goodie. Ask this question whether something bad or something good shows up: How does it get any better than this? Tell me how it…Read More

14 Days Of Ineffable Magic!

Author   Category Limitless Living

You, my friends, are magic. And, in such ways that go so far beyond what we can fathom. To celebrate you and your unfathomable miraculousness this holiday season, me and my team put together 14 days of goodies for you, which we’ve titled 14 Days…Read More

Tips For Being Happy!

Author   Category Limitless Living

Coming to you today with one tip for being happy! Join me for one of my YouTube short videos where I describe this further…. Yay! Now…. Get a sense of time in your life when you were truly being you. Got it? What else is…Read More

Get Unstuck

Author   Category Limitless Living

One of the greatest things that you can be is to be the rock in the stream. You know, where you allow everything to flow around you without resistance or reaction. You see, anything you fight against, you have to go to its level to…Read More

Creating Your Future

Author   Category Limitless Living

Who’s ready for a deep dive today? Put on your energetic scuba gear, because we’re going where few dare! What do you know that goes so far beyond this reality that it seems that it almost doesn’t exist…but you know it does…and you’ve known forever…Read More



