What if you could hear Stardust sing? What if you could listen as it makes its way through the universe to a place we call… home? Joyfully introducing the new book BABY STARDUST MANIFESTO! Now on audio and read by the authors, me & Katarina…Read More
You can’t be talked into being you — you can only experience it. And choose it. My suggestion: Experience it more! How many experiences can you have that connect you with your being? That puts a smile on your face and makes you come alive!…Read More
What came first? Your point of view or your reality? How many things would you like to change in your life right now? What if I told you that it’s within your grasp to change it… If you can change your point of view, you…Read More
We all have crappy days. Yes, me too. (If you’ve been around for a while, you know this!) And they are not crappy days per se… They are days of extreme un-comfort, due to an intense and instant increase of consciousness. Hence, this installment of…Read More
How do you usually make friends? Do you tell them how to move? Make them eat things they don’t like? Have sex with people that make them go ” Ehh!”? And judge them continuously for not being beautiful, thin, tall, or strong enough? Well, if…Read More
Today I am taking you on a run, beyond the bridges in Melbourne, Australia… You can easily join from anywhere in the world! For todays adventure you will need… Step 1 – The question: Universe, show me something beautiful today? Step 2 – To watch…Read More
Another installment of the Tour of Consciousness! This time I am running with the wind of New Zealand…. Sun-beams in my eyes, an endless sky and a white mountain at the horizon. Wow! Here is a greeting from the land of legends! And yes, that…Read More
What is your body whispering to you today? Mine said: Dolphins? It spoke quite loudly actually. More of a demand, than a whisper really. 🙂 And I listened…. as you will see in this special edition of the Tour of Consciousness… So….What does your body…Read More
It is time to introduce what may seem like a quite basic tool about the UNIVERSE, you and…everything! Yet, please trust me; this is a game-changer in it’s dynamic simplicity! However, before we begin, here is some help for people who have English as their…Read More
You, my friend, are way more psychic than you ever wanted to know! You’re actually like a big radio receiver and you pick up everything that goes on around you. What if I told you that 98% of your thoughts, feelings and emotions actually don’t…Read More