dain heer Archives - Page 88 of 132 - Dr. Dain Heer

dain heer

Your Best Friend Forever

Author   Category Body Talk

How do you usually make friends? Do you tell them how to move? Make them eat things they don’t like? Have sex with people that make them go ” Ehh!”? And judge them continuously for not being beautiful, thin, tall, or strong enough? Well, if…Read More

Changing Upsets?

Have you had an upset recently? Maybe even yesterday? Or 5 minutes ago? Well…I have a tool for you that can, if you let it, change any upset that comes up!  Interested? If yes, come along to Houston and play with me! This actually is…Read More

How To Stop Stalling

Are you sometimes a procrastinator – someone who puts things off to the last minute? Well, I am. Or maybe I was… 🙂 So what is the stalling of creation all about? Come along to Houston, and I will share some insights I’ve been having…Read More



